Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fanny the French Bulldog

written by Nelson Bloncourt
illustrated by Nikita Polyansky
landed at my house.
AND it's available on Amazon.
Fanny looks like me.

The illustrations and book quality is superb.
Lets read to each other piggy Edward.
ok my turn, Lily monster.

It even comes with a bookmark!

We did not get any treats or anything to review this beautiful book.
What is shocking, is it is only $20 USD
Similar books made this well sell for $30 

Thank you 
for sending us this awfully cool read
Lily & Edward

Press release:

Fanny is a French bulldog with big ears and an even bigger heart. She loves her human dad but she misses her mother. When her longing leaves her ears flapping she finds herself in the skies and on an adventure, over San Francisco and in a fanciful circus, and hopefully all the way to her mother—and home again.  A heartwarming tale about family and home—and soaring with love—Fanny the Flying French Bulldog will charm children, adults, and pups, too. Anticipated to be the first in a “Fanny” series with a strong lead character, akin to the lovable pup “Henley” (of Glitterati Incorporated fame), this book is festooned with gorgeous original illustrations by illustrator Nikita Polyansky (Sleeping Beauty) and a deluxe presentation in four-color with a ribbon marker and two gatefolds.


  1. That looks like a pawsome book Lily :) xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. OMD Lily it looks like you. Are you sure you did not model for the cover? Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Oh that looks like a super duper book for sure, and yes lily she looks just like you!!
    stella rose

  4. It MUST be a wonderful book!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Lily,
    Fanny is a beautiful FBD lady. You are very right she might actually be your sister. You and Edward are doing very well with your reading too
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. That looks like a fabulous book we have to check out for the kids!

  7. That's a perfect easter gift for peeps and pets. Many thanks for a great review!

  8. what a great book and the illustrations are adorable :)

  9. Oh Lily, Fanny does look like you! What a fun book. I am glad you and Edward enjoyed it.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  10. What a cute book,she does look like you!xx Speedy

  11. You're prettier. Personal opinion.
    Play bows,

  12. Looks like a really cute book.
    Sue B

  13. What beautiful illustrations! This looks like a wonderful read!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  14. This looks like a very good book indeed!

  15. Oh, that looks FABulous guys!! It really is a most beautiful book! I'll puts it on my wish list!
    Ruby ♥

  16. Edward... do you realize that LILY Called you PIGGY???

  17. That book looks so beautiful! Mom says she wishes it were around when she was doing the READ program, because she'd have loved to have taken it with her. We just might have to have a copy of that one!


  18. That looks like a great book, we think Fanny is an alias for you Lily as you look so alike.
    Dip and Elliot x

  19. Looks good, but we don't think we'd give it to children here....fanny has a different meaning in Oz.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  20. That's so cool. And she does look like you... which makes me wonder what kind of adventures you do, Lily.

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    لمساعدتك على التفوق وليس فقط النجاح الموقع الالكتروني:

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  39. لا يمكنك الاستغناء عن الاجهزه الكهربائية المنزلية لذلك تعلن صيانة فريجيدير عن اساليب معتمدة جديدة تضمن للعملاء عدم مواجهه اعكال بالاجهزه بالاضافه الي فريق عمل صيانة جنرال اليكتريك الذي يعطي بعض النصائح للعملاء عن كيفيه الاعتناء بها .

  40. اذا كنت تريد شراء اجهزه كهربائية مضمونه عليك التواصل مع صيانه يونيون اير لانها تتمتع بالخبرة والكفائه في تقديم احدث الانواع من الاجهزه الكهربائية المنزلية وباقل الاسعار .

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